It was a normal day for the mortician undertaker... until a mysterious cult arrived at his graveyard. Something... is broken... strange creatures appear and something old is getting stronger. All around the world, eldritch horrors arrive. Close the rifts, stop the cult and save the world.

Visit place like the catacombs underneath paris. Explore ancient temple in south america and an impossible pyramid in egypt. 

But be carefull or you will loose your sanity! - H' nilgh'ri llll uaaah ot zhro yar

Development log


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Looks pretty promising so far.
Played it on both PC and phone with no issues, visuals and audio are very good and the controls are solid.
Definitely worth a try!

(1 edit)

nice looking game - horrible controls ! 

using E and R for the action keys , and space for jump makes for an awkward key setup , Z and X would be a lot better as they are closer to the spacebar

also the game seems to make my laptop run really hot for some reason ?

Thanks for the feedback. I will look over the controls. I will also take a deeper look into the optimization. 

Controls are updated.